Saturday, May 3, 2014

#56 Place of the Oath Genesis 21

And it came to pass at the time that Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham, saying, "God is with you in all that you do. Now therefore, swear to me by God that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity; but that according to the kindness that I have done to you, you will do to me and to the land in which you have dwelt." And Abraham said, "I will swear." Then Abraham rebuked Abimelech because of a well of water which Abimelech's servants had seized. And Abimelech said, "I do not know who has done this thing; you did not tell me, nor had I heard of it until today." So Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them made a covenant. And abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. Then Abimelech asked Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs which you have set by themselves?" And he said, "You will take these seven ewe lambs from my hand, that they be my witness that I have dug this well." Therefore he called the place Beersheba, because the two of them swore an oath there. Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba. So Abimelech rose with Phicol, the commander of his army, and they returned to the land of the Philistines. Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God. And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines many days. Genesis 21: 22-34 NKJV

Abraham makes an oath with Abimelech, the king of the region, who recognizes that God is with Abraham. Abraham has been silent on an ongoing issue concerning resources. Abimelech's men have seized a well and the king is apparently unaware. Water would be a significant resource to herders and Abraham's silence on the matter is probably to keep peace as a guest on this land. The king has left him an opening in this conversation to which Abraham seizes as opportunity to raise issue. They make a treaty there and name the place, Beersheba, "well of the oath or well of the seven." 

Why the seven? I have been searching this out and found that the Hebrew word for oath comes from the same root as the Hebrew word for seven. Abraham also plants a tree here in the place of this oath, he is settling here and at peace with his neighbor. Abraham has shown patience this time, and instead of creating conflict by asserting himself or demanding justice from a sense of entitlement as God's prophet, he waits on God's timing and receives not only justice but a recognized place in the land. 

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 NKJV

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9 NKJV

As one writer has put it, "Meekness is not weakness, it is power under control."
Christians have the truth in them, they are part of the New Covenant, and waiting upon the return of Christ, but instead of demanding our rights now, He has asked who is the least among you, who can be a servant? Our attitudes and actions are to be no longer shaped by those around us, or by our material resources. We are to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to proclaim the gospel of Christ to His glory and honor, not our own. 


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