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Monday, January 7, 2019

#592 Politeia Govern Part VI

To Steal

Government is the obvious means of protection against this, defending the sovereignty of it's borders, defending the rights of its citizens to their property and life. We should help our neighbors, but justly and not enabling them to lesser lives. I do not agree with those that govern by the promise of reallocating income. I believe the majority can be wrong and voting together to take away the money or resources of someone else in order to pay another group to vote a certain way, is still stealing. 

You Shall Not Covet

Stealing doesn't start with the act, this is the heart of it, wanting what is not ours, and what we do not wish to see as off limits. This includes governments that look upon the resources of other lands and feel that might makes right. Rape, adultery, murder and theft all start in the heart, long before it comes to fruition. I don't agree with government that makes people less than resources or shouts the good of the many outweighs the needs of the few, when all they want is the control of the many. They are always willing to sacrifice your freedom for their power. I'm not going to vote for someone that points at a particular group and says that this is your problem, this is why you aren't happy, help me take what they have accumulated and then we will all be happy. It's dishonest and all you are doing is teaching people to covet in order to help you steal. 

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