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Monday, January 7, 2019

#591 Mishpat Government Part V

Adultery Link

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

I think it's easy to see where this effects government. Holding that the law is for the lawless and that those who seek to serve their wives, be faithful to their husbands and honor God's law are herein released of the consequences. Please see the link above for a break down and I would encourage you to read the life of David. This is a pedestal for conservatives and now the left in some bazaar fashion, that a candidate is targeted for such indiscretions and deemed unfit for office upon discovery. I don't agree with adultery myself, but I have worked for adulterers who were good at their job. This is a sin that a man takes into himself, it hurts his family and there is where the governments judicial branch steps in. I expect the lost to act lost, for sinners to sin, and any good governance would note man's natural inclinations to such as well. There is a breech of contract here that needs to be addressed, that you have not forsaken all others nor been one with your spouse, but rather divided and unfaithful. This is a broken contract which moves the very religious act of marriage into the arena of government, especially in cases where there is no forgiveness and or humility from either party. Now you go through a divorce, and it must also be insured that those children who have come from this partnership are taken care of, that you honor that responsibility. Where there is abuse the law also has to step in, if someone is unwilling to support their children or is hurting their wife or husband, we need intervention.

I believe there should be laws that govern these affairs, but I don't agree that all of the law is carried out fairly. Some men complain about paying child support or that they wouldn't have to if she would have just got an abortion like you asked her to. How about not committing adultery or maybe taking precautions against unprotected sex. Again, I expect lost people to behave in such a manner but it doesn't mean you're not allowed to use common sense, why does someone else always have to pay for your indiscretions? I also don't agree with spouses who are willing that the other should be charged above their means. Forgiveness is still always a good thing. A judicial system that awards alimony based on the lifestyle to which a person has become accustomed is ridiculous. Being that you promised for better or worse, it is clear that your heart had no comprehension of worse. If I married a famous actress, who was extremely wealthy, well then that would be the wealth that she accumulated and that I couldn't on my own. If we dissolved the marriage, and I was not in the wrong, then I would hope to not be further inconvenienced or hurt by being left in the street, but I would in no way see it justifiable to insist that I receive a monthly salary that keeps me wealthy. Wealth is not guaranteed nor should be. 

As far as presidents go, I pray for all men in office, whether I voted for them or not. It is a sad thing that we hold them up like idols, and some thinking they can do no wrong, while others insist that because they have committed a wrong, that they are no longer capable of right. I pray for them because they are human beings, sinners like me and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. When it comes to the job, I look at their policies, and there are plenty of times that a man has had perceivably good moral character, as far as not cheating on his wife, yet has been pro-abortion, weak on the economy, socialist, and quick to war. The church should confront his behavior, should care for him and his family enough to pray, and let him know what God's word says. I don't, and correct me if I am wrong, see this as a reason to step them down from office. It is a horrible thing to do to your wife or husband, and family, and all sin is against God, but I don't think this is traitorous to the position, the job. You can still make my pizza if you do it well, fix my car, my teeth, and run the country, and though it hurts me to see you in such a way, I pray that you repent and turn to God for forgiveness. I think this is an area of church discipline that should not be put upon the state. You should step down as a pastor in such cases, a deacon or elder, where there is no repentance, and the church should judge inside the church. The president will not be above that at his place of worship, but in cases of consent concerning the laws of the state, he should not be held in more contempt than other men, for he is just a man or woman. 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5: 27-28

David was a king who actually loved God, wanted to serve God, but he held back some things to himself, things that he took too lightly, starting with his disregard of the law written to kings, this same David who wrote, Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee. He accumulated wives which led to many a problem at home, he was unequally yoked in his marriages, he let lust reign, and to the point that when he saw a young woman bathing, he took her. He took her knowing she was another's wife, and then he tried to cover it up, he was dishonest and then a murderer. It caused his kingdom problems too, because he was now in bed with the corrupt as well, those who knew, but only cared about power. He set a poor example, but God did not exact death from David or Bathsheba, but He took their son. His sons were also like him which led to the rape of his daughter by one of his sons, and the death of two more sons. He paid dearly, and it reflects also upon our relationship to God. We are unfaithful, either pretending that God doesn't exist, and our conscience, feelings and emotions are all that need satisfied, or we say we know Him and don't live truthfully. I would prefer that those who rule do justly in their house and the white house, but when they do fall we should confront them, help them get up again and pray for those who have rule. 

The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. 5 Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” 6 This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9 But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”]] John 8: 4-11

This has so played out in our day, when we actually think so light of the sin, yet under the dispensation of the law it was punishable by death. Knowing that to be the consequence people still died for what they didn't need to do. Now these men were under Roman law, meaning that Rome held the power of execution, and so here they have a trap for Jesus. If you are the Son of God, according to Your Father's laws to Moses, this woman needs to be stoned. Yet, where is the man? This is a sin of two people, so where is the other? No one here cared about God's law, they were merely going to parade this woman, and herein is the travesty of sin, it should make us all feel ashamed, but know, in order to be a witness against her, you must witness the act. Why parade around something that their should be no pride about? The law, the sacrifice, the blood of bulls and goats, was to teach you, that you are in that breech yourself, she is not standing here alone, and what does He write on the ground? Sometimes I think I know, I'm pretty sure, but then He gives them back the law, let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone. It says they left starting with the oldest, come on, I am not here for justice, otherwise I would have the man here as well. She is a pawn for us to do evil against this Jesus, and this says a lot for them, that they realize enough to walk away, and then the only One left who had actually kept the law, had honored His Father, even in His heart, He doesn't stone her. "Neither do I, and from now on sin no more." He forgives her, and don't be a fool and miss the end, he tells her to be free too, to repent. Be careful as you climb on your high horse, make sure you are saying what God says, and that it is in tears that you speak of judgment and of forgiveness. Want for others what you are not able to do for yourself. I would have mercy, please. 

Pray for those who have rule and for ourselves, that we have changed hearts. Wealth, power, fame and good looks are all strong tempters of the ego, and I have most graciously been blessed with the peace that comes from having none of the above. I do think that it is more than I could ever handle, so I do know and believe that God must intervene in the heart lest we remain deceived. Though we live in this dispensation of grace let us not take lightly the sin for which our Savior had to suffer, but let us go out in the world not shocked or amazed either by it's presence, for we were called as light where light is needed.

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