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Saturday, January 5, 2019

#590 Imperium Part 4 of Government

You shall not murder

Please read the link above for a more in depth look at this commandment, I included a paper by John Calvin which is beyond my writing, and a wonderful read. Since the link goes from one angle I will try to keep the focus here on government. 
The Bible makes it clear that murder is a sin, unacceptable to God and that the wages of all sin is death, but this bears an earthly response from government, that they do not bear the sword in vain. Justice for murder is the murderer's life.
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind. Genesis 9:6

This is a most sobering and horrifying responsibility for those that govern. Some will be so horrified as to excuse themselves from the duty, as if they are kinder somehow than God or more wise. I will hear them out and agree that there have been a great number of times in history that men have been falsely accused, and where there is such doubt and lack of evidence, I do not find the death penalty a just measure. When it is clear that a man is a murderer, then this is what his actions have resigned him to. 

And if a man takes the life of anyone else, he must surely be put to death. 18 Whoever kills an animal must make restitution—life for life.…Leviticus 24:17

Life belongs to the Creator of life, not to inert matter or the ideas of whoever is in power at the time. Many have risen up by way of deceit and convinced others to follow them in the most atrocious acts. Some will disguise it under the banner of the cross, the hammer and sickle, science, but no matter what the terms or who the orator is that is speaking, it is a call to their religion and against someone else. 
Hitler was able to convince Germans that there were those that should be considered less deserving than the Aryan peoples. He worked hard at insuring the indoctrination of the youth through the state education system. If you focus people on a common enemy, attack and redistribute their resources, then you solve their economic crisis. He also practiced infanticide to control certain populations and the toll of Jews, Gypsies, Russians, mentally handicap, and Serbs was in the 10's of millions. Any leader that comes out wanting to eradicate people groups or whose feet are quick to war, let us not hold them up. They do not have that right.

Communist ideology can be studied and reviewed as a part of very recent history. Russian leaders like Stalin, Lenin, Chinese leadership, North Korea, Cuba and others have committed mass genocides in the name of state godhood. There is no God, Creator in their minds, so it rest with men to shape civilizations, the state decides right or wrong, ethnic cleansing, executions, work camps and starvation have taken their toll upwards to estimates of 80 to 110 million killed. I would say murdered but they don't believe in God so their is no fixed bar of His image. It is the end of and purist strain of Socialism, the enemy was whoever other than them was in power, whoever had resources that they want. The enemy was sound reason and argument against such as would desire power at any cost, who were promising rainbows and unicorns to everyone who would follow. Leaders should not devalue human life, they should be it's greatest defenders. This may require war, but war should not be the means to power or riches.

Abortion is no different than any other genocide, it says that you, who do not yet have a voice, do not get one. It invents an enemy of its own based somewhat in fact. A child is an enemy to irresponsibility, to freedom and independence, a life without consequences. A baby is a huge inconvenience, no argument from me there. The first time a girl told me she might be be pregnant, I reconsidered my opinion on abortion. "I mean a lot of people say its okay. I am young and have my whole life ahead of me, so does this girl, and really it's just not fair to me." So how do we make this work? The same way slave owners did, black people are not equal to white people, they are lower on the evolutionary scale. Their lives are not worth as much as my life, power or gain. "But I don't agree with that." Okay, then try this one, they are not human yet, not "viable", or as my neighbor puts it, they have no life experience. Think of them more like a cyst, a part of the woman's body like a lower set of tonsils, it's her body. "But if you take information from the father and combine it with that of the mother, it's different than both of them, making him or her an individual." Sort of, but like my neighbor says, there are too many humans on this planet anyway. I don't want a leader who thinks they have the right to decide who lives or dies based upon their ideals about population. When you kill someone outside of self defense or accident, then it is murder according to God. I don't want a leader who gives that as a right to one group over another. It does not devalue women, nor does it remove some inherent or perceived right to say that abortion is wrong, all it does is protect the sanctity of human life, that life that should be in its most protected and nourished place, its mother's womb. Abortion is more about sex, selfishness, and poor planning. Planned Parenthood is not about helping or planning families, it is about power, money and the destruction of our most innocent lives. It is a nod to those days of barbarism, sacrificing our children on the altar of human ego and sensuality. When you lift up idols you sacrifice sanity, reason and humanity. We disguise this aspect of it by saying it's "my body", but did you make it? What about women who are raped? Find the rapist and punish him, but did the baby rape you? "I had an abortion and it didn't bother me." Murderers kill all the time, Nazis did test on people, put them in gas chambers, and we can all be desensitized. Feelings and emotions, having or lack of, does not decide right or wrong. I would like a leader who would bring this out in the open, expose it for what it is, it's genocide, we are playing God. 


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