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Monday, January 7, 2019

#593 Libel Legislators Govern VII

Bearing False Witness

Too often now it is considered par for the course, the language of politicians, to say what you want to hear, say what is not true but say it with confidence. Since the truth is not held with much esteem, and people think that the end justifies the means, even an opponents character is fair game without proofs or facts. People answer the lack of evidence or the reason for stepping away from rule of law, you know the old way of handling things where you were innocent until proven guilty, they answer that with screaming. The sad part is most of us reading this will automatically revert to a partisan example, and certainly they are there, but it's not a partisan issue. We all love hearing bad things about the people we disagree with, we are all hypocrites because we don't apply the same measure to the people we support. I am telling you, if you are a Christian, pray for our leaders. 

So to sum it up, when I vote I think of all these things. There are certain issues that I can see as a problem regardless of the candidates party. I believe abortion to be genocide so that issue takes huge precedence with me. It defies more than one of the ten commandments, as we play God and murder children. I can't vote for socialism, and yes I am aware of social cooperatives that should be supported, like military, police and infrastructure. I won't vote for a socialist though who sees big government, programs and mob rule as a means to welfare for all people. You are lying, teaching people to covet and then stealing rather than encouraging freedom, production or individual rights. The majority can be wrong so I think our founding fathers wise for setting up the constitution. I also see the family as the logical building block of  a good state, that institution is well worth protecting to the interests of all. Those that run mostly on emotions and feelings will always look for another story or spin, but it's my prayer that we one day get to the point at which we vote based upon facts and research. All that aside, as important as I think it is to exercise your right to vote and influence your country for the good, as a Christian it is even more important that we share and live the gospel. Go out there everyday expecting people to have a different view than you, expecting the lost to be lost, sinners to sin, and then deny yourself, take up the cross and don't be so offended. Love them that hate you, even your enemies, bless and curse not. 

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