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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

#744 My Complaint Psalm 64

Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint;
protect my life from the threat of the enemy.

2 Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,
from the plots of evildoers.
3 They sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim cruel words like deadly arrows.
4 They shoot from ambush at the innocent;
they shoot suddenly, without fear.

5 They encourage each other in evil plans,
they talk about hiding their snares;
they say, “Who will see it?”
6 They plot injustice and say,
“We have devised a perfect plan!”
Surely the human mind and heart are cunning.

7 But God will shoot them with his arrows;
they will suddenly be struck down.
8 He will turn their own tongues against them
and bring them to ruin;
all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.
9 All people will fear;
they will proclaim the works of God
and ponder what he has done.

10 The righteous will rejoice in the Lord
and take refuge in him;
all the upright in heart will glory in him! Psalm 64 NIV

A Psalm of David to the chief musician. There is nothing in the title to direct us to the setting or place, but as always, a prayer well worth repeating. 

Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint - No one can judge like God, even the motives of my own prayers can be fraught with the delusion of self righteousness. Rather than praying to God, pouring out my soul to Him, Who should be my only refuge, I search for the lesser, human ear. It is easy to tell people only so much, to manipulate speech as to show a good face, but it is a mask that God does not recognize, it is a waste of words and a fool's errand to be dishonest before God. Oh that I would remember always to pray, that I would pray before I speak, pray before I read, pray before my mind runs away with the anxiety of things outside of my control. Pray until I realize that God is in control.

The plots of evil doers - Those that you would like to confront in truth, that you would like to contest upon the battle ground of reality, will often slander you behind your back. These are their weapons, lies and secrecy, but you, oh man of God, must not stoop such means, which means you may find yourself in dread of what others think, but David wants God to help him not be afraid. 

They shoot from ambush at the innocent - There was no one in the king's court equal to Daniel, there were none of such integrity in Babylon like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, yet for envy and spite, the politicians of the place flattered the ears of the king, brought him to place an edict that these men could not comply with, or else they were false to their God. Daniel was guilty of civil disobedience and so were his friends, but they could hold a clear conscience before God. Those who spoke against slavery, against racism, spoke against the laws of the land, yet they spoke well and from eternity. Those that speak today in support of life and against abortion, speak out on behalf of those that are yet unable to speak for themselves. Those that share the undiluted gospel in our day will be hated, mocked and accused of that which is not even in their hearts, but blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you for Christ's sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad. 

They encourage each other - I remember hearing John MacArthur speak and wishing that he would stop, wishing that he would fall, that he would be humiliated, because he said things that I did not want to hear. I could find a billion voices that would echo back my complaint, that I was good, that the things I held dear must be good as well, and all that he ever did to offend me was to repeat what God had already said, that sin had come into the world, that my actions came from a fallen nature, a nature that wanted it's own way. I wanted to live in two different worlds, to be of this world, and yet not have to fear the next. I looked for companions that would agree with me, that I was a good drunk, a good fornicator, a good friend, and much more compassionate than those who refused to tell people what they wanted to hear, refused to bow to their idols. Please, stop encouraging me, tell me what God says, that is all that matters. God, let me not worry what others think or say about me, what do You say about me? 

They encourage themselves: “Good men are frequently discouraged, and not unfrequently discourage one another, but the children of darkness are wise in their generation and keep their spirits up, and each one has a cheering word to say to his fellow villain.” (Spurgeon)

He will turn their own tongues against them - Do not let the weapons of your enemy, the lying tongue, pride, deceit, false humility (which is but pride), slander or all other evil that men may think is just retribution, be found in us. "They started it", children say, but let us be spiritually mature, grown men and women, let God, Who is truth, judge between us. Their own words bring them judgement, their own words given in secret will be brought to light, and that should cause us much sorrow for we were born like them, and it should cause us much joy that God is sanctifying us to be made in the image of His Son. 

They will proclaim the works of God - Did not 3 enter the furnace? Who is the fourth man? Were not the lions hungry? Where is the body of my Lord, they laid it here in this tomb, but the stone has been rolled away? There were so many who spoke so often against him, yet look, David is now the king, just like the prophet Samuel had spoken, just like Balaam could not help but speak. Even the wicked will one day be forced to tell the truth. 

The upright in heart will glory in Him - God's justice must come for Him to be called just or Holy, and for that we glory in Him, not that we had all our lives abstained from injustice, were pure in our every thought and motive, but that He has called us out from sin and unto repentance. He has drawn us to forgiveness, to forsake that which He hated, and to humbly trust in the righteousness that comes from Him. Let them talk, for it has nothing to do with me, let it be between them and God, and God keep me from the sin of worry, let me put down the weapons of their warfare and take up my cross and come follow You.

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